Our Vision
Sacred Heart Pymble is a Catholic Primary School committed to innovative and challenging education, fostering dignity and integrity in the pursuit of individual excellence.
Our Mission
Faith Development – We seek to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith and to have Jesus as a focus in their lives.
Curriculum – We seek to provide a broad – based curriculum and to incorporate current content and practices in all Key Learning Areas. We seek to provide a supportive environment for the development of individual needs.
Administration – We seek to achieve open and effective communication between children, parents, staff, Parish, and the wider community. We aim to be a welcoming office prepared to serve the needs of our community.
Resources – We seek to provide accessible and effective resources that meet the educational and developmental needs of the children. We aim to have classrooms, the school buildings and school grounds in excellent condition.
Community – We seek to nurture an inclusive and supportive network where relationships can be established and valued in an atmosphere of respect and dignity.
Matthew 5: 3-10 “The Beatitudes”
HELPFULNESS - “Poor in spirit”
JUSTICE - “those who mourn”
STRENGTH - “the meek”
ENDEAVOUR - “hunger and thirst after righteousness”
HUMILITY - “merciful”
HONESTY - “pure of heart”
FORGIVENESS - “peacemakers”
HOPE - “persecuted for righteousness sake”